Weihnachtsmail vom Päpstlichen Kulturrat
an die Teilnehmer des Vatican Blogger Meetings 2011:
>>Dear Bloggers,
Eight months have passed since the memorable Vatican Bloggers Meeting which you were chosen to attend.
It was one of the highlights of 2011 and has become a significant milestone in the way the Church configures itself in the changing cultures of the web.
Thank you again for playing your part in that. An edition of the Review “Cultures and Faith” dedicated to #vbm11 is going to press in the next few days. If you would like to receive a copy, please send me your postal address.
Now, as Christmas draws near and we remember the Incarnation, I simply wished to send you my own seasonal greetings and assure you that I will pray for God’s blessing on all that you do in 2012, especially the laity among you who are working for our Church in your own ways.
Sincerely Yours in Christ Incarnate<<
>>Dear Bloggers,
Eight months have passed since the memorable Vatican Bloggers Meeting which you were chosen to attend.
It was one of the highlights of 2011 and has become a significant milestone in the way the Church configures itself in the changing cultures of the web.
Thank you again for playing your part in that. An edition of the Review “Cultures and Faith” dedicated to #vbm11 is going to press in the next few days. If you would like to receive a copy, please send me your postal address.
Now, as Christmas draws near and we remember the Incarnation, I simply wished to send you my own seasonal greetings and assure you that I will pray for God’s blessing on all that you do in 2012, especially the laity among you who are working for our Church in your own ways.
Sincerely Yours in Christ Incarnate<<
ElsaLaska - 22. Dez, 14:12
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