Unsere UR-Fröds sind eigentlich zu wenig global.
Gewesen. Und zu wenig interreligiös. Wir geben ihnen deshalb den twist für eine Restauration, die sie dringend brauchen.
Uns gefällt - fällt euch der pluralis majestatis auch auf, mir natürlich ebenso, ich benutze ihn ja schließlich, in gnädiger milte - , also Uns fällt auf, der Kommentar vom Catholic Conservation Church Blog, den Wir begrüßen.
>>We will be waiting for some time to have a Bible blessed in a mosque, but not necessary or required.<<
Wir entschuldigen uns für die Strapazen.
>>It seems that insanity is reaching new levels in certain places. Here is a portion of the story: “Representatives of different religions, including members of the Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, and Druid [yes, California has everything] communities, took part in an interfaith blessing of the Qu’ran at Sacramento’s Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on September 11. During the ceremony, Father Michael Kiernan, rector of the cathedral, read from the Beatitudes… Several dozen people placed roses on the Quran, in front of the main doors to the cathedral. Upon placing their roses, people said before the crowd, ‘Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.’”
Yes, you read it correctly, they placed roses on the Koran in a Catholic cathedral dedicated to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Do you see anything wrong with this picture? (A Druid placing a rose on the Koran in a Catholic cathedral: I couldn’t have made that up if I tried!) <<
Nun, es gibt immer was zu motzen. Aber besser, sie bedecken den Koran mit Rosen, als dass sie das Allerheiligste darauf darbieten. (Diözese Linz, ihr hört jetzt mal bitte weg! dazu Die spezielle Grillzange hat man euch in Bolivien und Chile bis HEUTE nicht vergessen, ja?)
Uns gefällt - fällt euch der pluralis majestatis auch auf, mir natürlich ebenso, ich benutze ihn ja schließlich, in gnädiger milte - , also Uns fällt auf, der Kommentar vom Catholic Conservation Church Blog, den Wir begrüßen.
>>We will be waiting for some time to have a Bible blessed in a mosque, but not necessary or required.<<
Wir entschuldigen uns für die Strapazen.
>>It seems that insanity is reaching new levels in certain places. Here is a portion of the story: “Representatives of different religions, including members of the Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, and Druid [yes, California has everything] communities, took part in an interfaith blessing of the Qu’ran at Sacramento’s Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on September 11. During the ceremony, Father Michael Kiernan, rector of the cathedral, read from the Beatitudes… Several dozen people placed roses on the Quran, in front of the main doors to the cathedral. Upon placing their roses, people said before the crowd, ‘Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.’”
Yes, you read it correctly, they placed roses on the Koran in a Catholic cathedral dedicated to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Do you see anything wrong with this picture? (A Druid placing a rose on the Koran in a Catholic cathedral: I couldn’t have made that up if I tried!) <<
Nun, es gibt immer was zu motzen. Aber besser, sie bedecken den Koran mit Rosen, als dass sie das Allerheiligste darauf darbieten. (Diözese Linz, ihr hört jetzt mal bitte weg! dazu Die spezielle Grillzange hat man euch in Bolivien und Chile bis HEUTE nicht vergessen, ja?)
ElsaLaska - 20. Okt, 01:54
Die Kommentare dazu sind aber interessant.
Ich frage manchmal ob die Leute das wirklich glauben, so wie Naivschen Anne zum Beispiel:
"I have recently participated in a wonderful workshop at my parish. We shared passages from the Hindu Scriptures (The Bhagavad Gita), the Quran, and the Talmud. We found interesting beliefs and awesome point in accord.
No person present thought we were one religion or that we were supposed to mix. It was simply a way to open up to other people's beliefs. The Muslim Quran has interesting stories about Mariam (Our Lady) or about God being One Lord.
I understand that for some brothers in this site this is not what Catholics are supposed to do. But I think these readings opened my mind, and made me more understanding and respectful toward others. That's it.
I can share my faith with my Muslim neighbors and they share theirs. We can even pray somehow together (they call it make duas).
This is way better than fruitless arguments and fights over religion, don't you think?
I thank God and our priest for the workshop. "