Siamo tutti Nazareni

Es gibt auch eine italienische Initiative für verfolgte Christen in Irak, deren Häuser mit dem arabischen Nun-Buchstaben gebrandmarkt - das heißt zur Plünderung und Brandschatzung freigegeben werden.
Campari & de Maistre decided to give out pins with the letter nun (n Arabic), with which the Islamists Isis marked Christians’ homes. The N, in fact, stands for "Nazarenes". Yes, we are Nazarenes, we belong to Jesus Christ, and as a sign of solidarity with all our brothers and sisters persecuted and slaughtered in the Middle East, we decided to produce these pins. Wearing them, we will show our pride of being Christians.
We ask you to help us to cover the costs incurred. We therefore accept a free offer plus the shipping cost (we send one pin for 1,00 €, more pins for 2,00 € and fore the other countries 5,00 €) through paypal ( Our fund-raising will be assigned to Pontificio Istituto Missioni Estere and to other future initiatives, always self-financed and no-profit.
Thank you very much!
The Editors<<
Von hier.
ElsaLaska - 5. Sep, 13:23
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