The Women of Kobani
Ein Foto-Essay auf den Seiten von Die Fotografien stammen von Andrew Quilty.
>>Shasdar Aref woke up next to her husband, Mazlom Ibrahim, and three children on Friday morning. It was the family's eighth day in a gray, plastic tent with only a plastic sheet covering the gravel floor. They have stayed here in this empty lot turned refugee camp since crossing the border into Turkey after fleeing their village in Syria more than two weeks ago. Friday was also the day Aref’s husband disappeared. <<
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>>Shasdar Aref woke up next to her husband, Mazlom Ibrahim, and three children on Friday morning. It was the family's eighth day in a gray, plastic tent with only a plastic sheet covering the gravel floor. They have stayed here in this empty lot turned refugee camp since crossing the border into Turkey after fleeing their village in Syria more than two weeks ago. Friday was also the day Aref’s husband disappeared. <<
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ElsaLaska - 8. Okt, 16:13
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