Wie können wir Weihnachten feiern!
>>The United States, meanwhile, does nothing — as it did nothing four years ago, when Father Boulos Iskander was kidnapped, beheaded and dismembered; or three years ago, when Father Ragheed Ganni was shot dead at the altar of this church; or two years ago, when Chaldean Catholic Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho was kidnapped and murdered; as it has done nothing about all the church bombings and assassinations of lay Christians that have become commonplace over the last seven years.
The human tragedy of all this is compounded by the historic one. The churches of the Middle East preserve the traditions of the Apostolic era in ways no other Christian rites or denominations do. The followers of Jesus were first called Christians in Antioch Syria, and it was there that the Gospels first were written down in Koine Greek. For 1,000 years, the churches of Iraq and Syria were great centers of Christian thought and art. Today, the Christian population is declining in every majority Muslim country in the region and is under increasingly severe pressure even in Lebanon, where it still constitutes 35% of the population.<<
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The human tragedy of all this is compounded by the historic one. The churches of the Middle East preserve the traditions of the Apostolic era in ways no other Christian rites or denominations do. The followers of Jesus were first called Christians in Antioch Syria, and it was there that the Gospels first were written down in Koine Greek. For 1,000 years, the churches of Iraq and Syria were great centers of Christian thought and art. Today, the Christian population is declining in every majority Muslim country in the region and is under increasingly severe pressure even in Lebanon, where it still constitutes 35% of the population.<<
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ElsaLaska - 18. Dez, 23:47
Wir MÜSSEN sogar Weihnachten feiern, denn Weihnachten ist die einzige Hoffnung für uns alle und erst recht für die Christen im Nahen Osten. In der heutigen Messe sagte der Prediger sehr eindringlich, nicht "frohe" oder "schöne Weihnachten" sondern "gnadenreiche Weihnachten" sei der eigentlich einem Christen gemäße Gruß bzw Weihnachtswunsch . Und dass Gott in dieser Zeit auf mystische Weise besonders großzügig sei. Weswegen wir gerade jetzt besonders viel beten und unsere brennendsten Wünsche an ihn herantragen nicht nur dürfen sondern sollen.
Deswegen sollten wir alle vielleicht gerade jetzt ganz besonders für unsere Mitchristen im Nahen Osten beten.