In Košice, der diesjährigen Kulturhauptstadt Europas,
haben sich rund 80.000 Menschen zusammen gefunden, um ein profundes Bekenntnis für das Leben auf einem "Marsch für das Leben" zu geben.
>>Košice town, Slovakia, stunned Europe on Sunday with the sheer magnitude and beauty of its first-ever National March For Life. On the same weekend as the Gay Pride March in Bratislava, which gathered around 1000 participants, over 80,000 people gathered together in Košice to give a big “thumbs up” to the dignity of life.<<
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>>Košice town, Slovakia, stunned Europe on Sunday with the sheer magnitude and beauty of its first-ever National March For Life. On the same weekend as the Gay Pride March in Bratislava, which gathered around 1000 participants, over 80,000 people gathered together in Košice to give a big “thumbs up” to the dignity of life.<<
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ElsaLaska - 23. Sep, 21:27