Zur Rolle der Hisbollah ("Partei Gottes) im Syrien-Krieg
>>Without a doubt you can state that Hezbollah is the most powerful political movement in Lebanon right now, especially since the war against Israel in 2006. Their power has grown to the extent that it has created a state within a state. This wouldn’t have been possible without the support from Syria and Iran. Nevertheless, the Iranian interest isn’t the only reason why Hezbollah has intervened in Syria. The movement’s history after the war against Israel in 2006 shows that Hezbollah bares its teeth when it feels threatened. Leo Kwarten, Dutch arabist and expert on Lebanon and Syria calls it pro-active defensive behaviour: “Hezbollah will never take the first blow, it will always make sure that it strikes first”2.
The civil war in Syria and the possible overthrow of the Syrian government is considered very threatening by Hezbollah. Leaders of the movement have stated multiple times that they can’t accept that the Takfiris (Sunni extremists), Western forces and Israel might be able to put pressure on Lebanon when their ally al-Assad is ousted from Syria. Kwarten says that Hezbollah is afraid of a new Sunni Islamic regime in Syria that wants to conclude the peace with Israel. This would also mean that the Iranian supply route for weapons gets cut off, which basically means that Hezbollah becomes isolated and surrounded by their enemies. According to Kwarten Hezbollah sees the civil war in Syria as a part of a conspiracy between Sunnis, Western forces and Israel.<<
Das ist ein Zitat vom Sicherheitspolitik-Blog innerhalb einer Artikelserie zu Syrien. Es handelt sich um ein wissenschaftliches Blog, weshalb die Einträge zwar gehaltvoll, aber etwas mühsam zu lesen, als vielmehr zu studieren sind. Ein gutes Projekt, wie ich schon längere Zeit fand, doch es fehlte meiner Meinung nach an Bloggern, die komplexe sicherheitspolitische Problemstellungen objektiv klar, leicht nachvollziehbar und schnell erfassbar darstellen können.
In diesem Zusammenhang kann ich wieder einmal nur das "Steppensturm"-Blog wärmstens empfehlen.
The civil war in Syria and the possible overthrow of the Syrian government is considered very threatening by Hezbollah. Leaders of the movement have stated multiple times that they can’t accept that the Takfiris (Sunni extremists), Western forces and Israel might be able to put pressure on Lebanon when their ally al-Assad is ousted from Syria. Kwarten says that Hezbollah is afraid of a new Sunni Islamic regime in Syria that wants to conclude the peace with Israel. This would also mean that the Iranian supply route for weapons gets cut off, which basically means that Hezbollah becomes isolated and surrounded by their enemies. According to Kwarten Hezbollah sees the civil war in Syria as a part of a conspiracy between Sunnis, Western forces and Israel.<<
Das ist ein Zitat vom Sicherheitspolitik-Blog innerhalb einer Artikelserie zu Syrien. Es handelt sich um ein wissenschaftliches Blog, weshalb die Einträge zwar gehaltvoll, aber etwas mühsam zu lesen, als vielmehr zu studieren sind. Ein gutes Projekt, wie ich schon längere Zeit fand, doch es fehlte meiner Meinung nach an Bloggern, die komplexe sicherheitspolitische Problemstellungen objektiv klar, leicht nachvollziehbar und schnell erfassbar darstellen können.
In diesem Zusammenhang kann ich wieder einmal nur das "Steppensturm"-Blog wärmstens empfehlen.
ElsaLaska - 30. Sep, 13:11
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