Lesenswertes Interview mit Massimo Introvigne zu Isis und Irak
Es gibt ja jetzt das "Magazin zum Kalifat", namens Dabiq.
>>What does “Dabiq”, the name of the magazine, mean?
“It is the name of a town in Syria where, according to a well-known “hadith” – a saying attributed to Mohammed -, the last showdown between Muslims and Christians will take place at the end of times, that will open the way to Rome for Islam. It is an apocalyptic ideology. We then understand why ISIS does not only fear but also desire an intervention in its territory from Americans, Europeans and also Russians: that is why they are increasing anti-Russia provocations in Syria.” <<
Ah so. Die Religion des Friedens redet vom "last showdown", und zwar zwischen den Christen und den Muslimen - das ist schon mal erhellend.
Die Conclusio des Interviews:
>>What should be done, then, to stop the massacres from ISIS?
“If we want to stop the caliphate and protect the minorities it threatens to exterminate, we need to consider its ideology. A military intervention from Americans alone, or even Americans and Europeans, fits with the cliché that the self-proclaimed caliph has predisposed so that he can present the war as the final showdown between assaulted Islam and Christian crusaders. That is why Pope Francis’ words on the involvement of the United Nations are important: the intervention to halt the unjust aggressor of minorities must be multilateral and involve the countries of the area, the other Muslim countries. I believe that it is essential not to give the impression of sticking to the script dictated by ISIS”.<<
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>>What does “Dabiq”, the name of the magazine, mean?
“It is the name of a town in Syria where, according to a well-known “hadith” – a saying attributed to Mohammed -, the last showdown between Muslims and Christians will take place at the end of times, that will open the way to Rome for Islam. It is an apocalyptic ideology. We then understand why ISIS does not only fear but also desire an intervention in its territory from Americans, Europeans and also Russians: that is why they are increasing anti-Russia provocations in Syria.” <<
Ah so. Die Religion des Friedens redet vom "last showdown", und zwar zwischen den Christen und den Muslimen - das ist schon mal erhellend.
Die Conclusio des Interviews:
>>What should be done, then, to stop the massacres from ISIS?
“If we want to stop the caliphate and protect the minorities it threatens to exterminate, we need to consider its ideology. A military intervention from Americans alone, or even Americans and Europeans, fits with the cliché that the self-proclaimed caliph has predisposed so that he can present the war as the final showdown between assaulted Islam and Christian crusaders. That is why Pope Francis’ words on the involvement of the United Nations are important: the intervention to halt the unjust aggressor of minorities must be multilateral and involve the countries of the area, the other Muslim countries. I believe that it is essential not to give the impression of sticking to the script dictated by ISIS”.<<
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ElsaLaska - 26. Aug, 20:46
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