Zitat des Tages.

[Update: Das ist ein älterer Eintrag, den ich anlässlich eines traurigen Anlasses hier hochhole. Václav Havel ist wenige Wochen nach seinem 75. Geburtstag verstorben. R.I.P.]
>>We are living in the first truly global civilisation. That means that whatever comes into existence on its soil can very quickly and easily span the whole world.
But we are also living in the first atheistic civilisation, in other words, a civilisation that has lost its connection with the infinite and eternity. For that reason it prefers short-term profit to long-term profit. What is important is whether an investment will provide a return in ten or fifteen years; how it will affect the lives of our descendants in a hundred years is less important.
However, the most dangerous aspect of this global atheistic civilisation is its pride. The pride of someone who is driven by the very logic of his wealth to stop respecting the contribution of nature and our forebears, to stop respecting it on principle and respect it only as a further potential source of profit.<<
Aus der äußerst beachtlichen Rede von Václav Havel zur Eröffnung des Treffens "Forum 2000" in Prag.
Schöne Zusammenfassung wichtiger Passagen auch auf Catholic Herald von Anna Arco.
ElsaLaska - 18. Dez, 13:00
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